SQI is represented at the Quantum World Congress
The Swiss Quantum Initiative is represented at the Quantum World Congress in Washington and at the events “Global Quantum Strategies Overview 2024” and the “Multilateral Dialogue on Quantum”.
Andreas Masuhr, Head of SQI, is representing Switzerland together with the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) at the Quantum World Congress in Washington in September. The Quantum World Congress is a global conference and serves the international networking of the quantum community from the various sectors of research, education, business and finance.
Andreas Masuhr will also be giving presentations on SQI at two other events in Washington during this period: firstly, at the “Multilateral Dialogue on Quantum”, which promotes positive use cases for Quantum Information Science and Technology (QIST) and strengthens international cooperation in the field of quantum research. On the other hand, at the “Global Quantum Strategies Overview 2024”. Here, representatives from the private sector, research and government will present the latest developments in their country in the field of QIST and the respective national quantum strategy.
Dr. Andreas Masuhr
Swiss Quantum Initiative (SQI)
Maison des Académies
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3001 Berne