The Swiss Quantum Initiative aims to further strengthen Switzerland’s leading position in the field of quantum technology, from basic research to application.

Image : Gerd Altmann, CC0

Call for proposals - 2024 Quantum Voucher Model

The Swiss Quantum Initiative (SQI) is launching a call for proposals to award vouchers. These vouchers can be used for the use of existing infrastructures, platforms and services in the field of quantum technology and innovation in Switzerland.

SQI Themenbild IonTrap ETHZ
Image : Heidi Hostettler/D-PHYS/ETH Zürich

The call is closed. News about the call.

The call runs from July 8 to August 30, 2024. The holder of a voucher and the host of the infrastructure, platform or service to be used agree bilaterally on the type, scope and time of use. The costs for this up to CHF 50,000 may be covered by the SQI as part of this call.

Applications for vouchers should cover at least one of the following areas:

  • Quantum communication
  • Quantum computation
  • Quantum simulation
  • Quantum sensing and metrology

Applications for vouchers in the following areas are also welcome:

  • Materials for quantum devices
  • Control hardware, systems engineering
  • Quantum theory
  • Computer science

The vouchers are intended for the funding of projects with a mid-range Technology Readiness Level (TRL). They are not intended to promote basic scientific research or commercial product developments.

By TRL, the SQI refers to the following scale:

  • TRL 1: Basic principles observed
  • TRL 2: Technology concept formulated
  • TRL 3: Experimental proof of concept
  • TRL 4: Technology validated in lab
  • TRL 5: Technology validated in relevant environment (industrially relevant environment in the case of key enabling technologies)
  • TRL 6: Technology demonstrated in relevant environment (industrially relevant environment in the case of key enabling technologies)
  • TRL 7: System prototype demonstration in operational environment
  • TRL 8: System complete and qualified
  • TRL 9: Actual system proven in operational environment

A person can apply for up to two vouchers with a maximum value of CHF 50,000 each. Applications (roughly 2 text pages in length) must be submitted electronically via the portal provided for this purpose by midnight on August 30, 2024 at the latest. The results shall be communicated November 6, 2024.

The legal basis is described in the call paper and in the SQI funding regulations.

Applications are possible from July 8, 2024 5pm via this tool.
