The Swiss Quantum Initiative aims to further strengthen Switzerland’s leading position in the field of quantum technology, from basic research to application.

Immagine: Gerd Altmann, CC0


On May 4, 2022, the Federal Council adopted additional measures - in addition to the transitional measures already implemented since 2021 in the context of the Horizon Program 2021-2027 - including a national initiative to strenthen the position of Switzerland in the field of quantum.

The Swiss Quantum Initiative (SQI) is

  • coordinated and led by the Swiss Quantum Commission (SQC),
  • hosted by the Swiss Academy of Sciences SCNAT and
  • mandated by the Swiss Confederation via SERI.

Competitive research calls will be conducted by the Swiss National Science Foundation.


Dr. Andreas Masuhr
Swiss Quantum Initiative (SQI)
Casa delle Accademie
Casella postale
3001 Berna